TSW. Trichotillomania. Books. Life.

Friday 6 May 2016

My Topical Steroid Withdrawal update – Month 35

Today marks 35 months since I stopped using all topical steroids and it's also 1 calendar month before I hit 3 whole years of TSW. Wow.

It's been a quiet month with regards to my skin. Since my last monthly update post (here), my hands continued to recover from Verbier and after a few days, they were back to normal. There are a couple of minor issues I wanted to quickly talk about though:

  • On the 7th, 8th & 9th April I had slightly irritated raised bumps on my arms but they were so minor no camera could capture them. They disappeared very quickly.
  • Over the weekend of the 16th through to Monday 18th April, I worked looooooong hours and really didn't look after myself. I even went out without a coat, scarf or gloves when it was freezing and windy out (I foolishly thought it would be warm enough ... but it wasn't. As a Brit, this is shameful and I should always remember we have no proper summers and looking out of a window and seeing sun does not constitute a weather forecast). Well after that debacle, on Monday evening, the skin on my hands started coming up BUT the following day, just after a bit of meditation and sleep, my skin was completely calm again (photos of this ridiculously fast recovery below). 
  • Since then, my skin has just been wonderful. Nothing else to say really bar my monthly 'TSW is the best thing I have ever done', speech. Bored of hearing that yet?
I truly hope all of you suffering get some relief soon - you are so brave for sticking with it. When I was going through the really tough parts of TSW, there were very few people out there documenting their journeys which in a way made it easier as I didn't know what was coming or how long it would take. Now, there are so many more blogs etc out there showing you what it is like so for anyone taking the huge step to withdraw, you are absolutely incredible.

Big hugs to you all
Cara xxxx

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