TSW. Trichotillomania. Books. Life.

My Topical Steroid Withdrawal update – Month 39

It's been a quiet skin month and I've got no issues to talk about bar one. From Saturday 6th August 2016 I have had a little rash either side of my bikini line. I've had it before but it always goes quickly and it's so minor that I keep forgetting to mention it on here. It's come and gone all month and I think it is totally down to the hot weather we've had on and off in the UK and my English body not being prepared for it. As I hope you'll understand, I took no photos :) and as of today, it's practically gone!

There is something else TSW related I wanted to mention. On Sunday 28th August 2016, I met up with two TSW warriors (and fellow redheads - FABULOUS!); Steph & Jessica. I took one photo of us that was completely blurred unfortunately but we had a lovely picnic on the floor of the British Museum and chatted bed bath and beyond. It was a surreal experience to be able to talk to people who truly get it. My mum was there for me throughout my whole withdrawal and saw the horrors of TSW but to talk to others who are actually going through it, is something else entirely. There is apparently another London meetup happening in September so message me if you would like to come and I'll send you the details.

I hope wherever you are in the world that you're seeing improvements. Remember this process takes some people months, others years. We are all different.

Much love to you all <3
Cara xxxx

If you didn't see my blog post from last month, on Wednesday 17th August 2016 I hit one year since I suddenly recovered from TSA and it still feels like a beautiful dream. The blog post in question can be found here.

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