TSW. Trichotillomania. Books. Life.

Skin Food: Mackerel, broccoli & brown rice goodness bowl

I thought I'd 'mix' it up a bit and throw in a little recipe for you. This isn't going to be a regular feature or anything but it's one of my favourite meals that I have at least once a week as it's simple, hearty and good for you. I started making this months ago when I was living in London and on a strict budget. It only requires five ingredients that you can get anywhere including mackerel that is PACKED, amongst other things, with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and broccoli, which is an excellent source of vitamin K (which is needed for blood clotting, helping wounds to heal properly) and has a MULTITUDE of other health benefits like vitamin C and is also a very good source of dietary fiber. I am pretty sure my intake of oily fish has helped me not have to use moisturiser on my skin for about a year and a half now and *confession time* I am a complete broccoli fiend. It is BY FAR my favourite vegetable and in the last few months alone, I've become borderline obsessed with it to the point that I now have it practically every day. Anyway, I hope you like it and now I'm starving.

Mackerel, broccoli & brown rice goodness bowl
Serves 2
Cooking/prep time: 30 minutes
Price per portion: £1 (or under, depending where the ingredients were bought)

Ingredients needed:
- 150g Brown rice
- 1 Broccoli head
- 2 Tins of mackerel fillets (I use the ones in olive oil but anything you prefer would work)
- 1 Medium onion, finely chopped
- 1-2 Cloves of garlic, chopped or crushed

1) Heat 2 pans with water ready for the broccoli and rice.
2) Boil the brown rice for 28 minutes (or however long your instructions say to cook it for).
3) About ten minutes before the rice is ready, gently cook the onions in the oil of your choice (I use about a tablespoon of olive oil) and also put the broccoli on to cook (so it's soft to mix in). About a minute or two before the rice is ready, add the garlic to the fried onions (the garlic will burn if you cook it for any longer).
4) When it's done, drain the rice and add it to the onions and garlic. Stir thoroughly.
5) Drain and flake your mackerel in a separate bowl then add to the rice mixture. Stir through before draining your broccoli and adding it to the pan - almost mash it in and stir thoroughly then leave it to heat through for about a minute.
6) Serve in a big, cozy bowl and eat ALL OF IT.

See, I told you it was easy :)
Cara xxxx

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