TSW. Trichotillomania. Books. Life.

Five small words can make a huge difference

I have now posted FIFTEEN (!!!) interviews as part of my 5 QUESTIONS WITH series and I've absolutely loved working on them. I find the similarities we all share absolutely fascinating but I have also learned so much from every single person I have featured on my blog. Over time, what has intrigued me the most is what people will answer for the question Sum up TSW in five words. The answers never fail to amaze me and show that even though withdrawal itself is tough, it's all worth it in the end. Alice and Stephanie's stories are slightly different as they suffered from severe eczema and not TSW and Holly has psoriasis but even so, no matter what condition we have gone through, or are currently dealing with, we share so much. These conditions build you as a person, strengthen you, so you are better able to deal with anything that life throws at you. You understand what is truly important and that a bad situation can actually be something extraordinary.

I thought I'd make a list of everyone's five (sometimes a few more than that!) words I have been given that sum up their skin journeys (with links to the full interviews on my blog):

Henni (here) - The most rewarding agonizing hell.

Alice (here) - Challenging, grounding, frustrating, emotional, powerful.

Maleeha (here) - Stressful, painful, rollercoaster, frustrating, humbling.

Nina Sloan (here) - Absolute hell, but worth it.

Nick (here) - Temporary, character building, life changing.

Isaiah (here)
Through withdrawal: PREVENTABLE, Torturous, Unnecessary, Sinking, Isolating.
After withdrawal: HEALED, Happy, Normal, JOY, Peace, SLEEP (!!), Friendships, LOVE, HOPE, Courageous, TSW TRIBE, Brave, NEVER GIVE UP! (More than five but absolutely fabulous nonetheless).

Stephanie (here) - A lifelong yet uphill battle.

Josh (here) - Profound reinvention. Getting myself back!

Briana (here) - Extreme suffering that is preventable.

Mel (here) - Hell!! preventable (Briana!!!!), painful, horrific, life-changer.

Mattiel - A difficult but worthwhile process.

Stephanie Miller (here) - Gross, burning, wet sand, endurance, transformative.

Holly (here) - Exhilarating, emotional, challenging, growth and shaping.

Me (here) - Best thing I've ever done.

Oh I do love our skin community <3
Cara xxxx

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