The TSW Database: Blogs & Websites

I have already shared some of the websites and blogs in a previous post (here), but I have elaborated on the original list to include every single website and blog I could find on our condition ... but do let me know if I have missed any!

Cara x


Safe to say this is pretty much the mothership for our condition.

The website for the BRILLIANT documentary on topical steroid addiction, Preventable: Protecting Our Largest Organ.

Dr. Marvin Rapaport
I like to call him the godfather of TSW. 

Dr. Fukaya
Another godfather (doctor) of TSW who wants to spread awareness for our condition.

The Home Herbalist
An Etsy shop run by a woman called Stephanie who created balms for her son, Isaiah, who went through topical steroid withdrawal. He has since made a full recovery and her balms prove to be popular within the TSW community. 

Eczema Conquerors
The website for a holistic nutritionist who overcame severe eczema and now helps others do the same.

Blogs on TSW that helped me through my own withdrawal

Jake & Libby's blog
Jake started withdrawal in 2012, and with the help of his girlfriend, Libby, made a full recovery in 2013. This was the first blog I ever found on TSW, and the first one to give me hope that I would get better.

Josh's blog 
Josh is an Australian guy who started TSW in 2012 and one of my all-time favourites. His laid-back attitude and positivity was exactly what I needed and made me want to be the same.

A Little Itchy's blog 
This blog hasn't got much content on it but makes up for that with one fabulous transformation story. The picture of her 'healed' hands was bookmarked on my laptop and I would look at them every day to get through.

Juliana's blog 
Juliana is the true embodiment of a skin warrior. She's had a very long and tough withdrawal and her blog helped me so much through my own journey.

Some new finds ...

Isaiah Quinn (whose story I have featured on my blog *here*)
Isaiah started withdrawal in 2013 as a baby and made a full recovery after 2 years.

My Baby Eczema
This is Lulu's website about her baby who went through topical steroid withdrawal and recovered after a year and a half.

Gary Smith
Gary started TSW in 2014 and after a long 4+ year battle, has made a full recovery.

Topical Steroid Withdrawal // Red Skin Syndrome
A woman who started withdrawal in 2012 and after 3 years, made a full recovery.

My Journey with Red Skin Syndrome
A woman who went through withdrawal in 2012 and made a full recovery after two years.

Itchy Lynd's Blog
Lyndsey started TSW in 2015 and even though she hasn't updated this blog in quite some time, she made a full recovery this year (2019) and looks absolutely amazing. For more information, visit her Instagram account @lyndsey_tsw.

TSW Healing Journey
A blog written by the mother of a little boy going through TSW. He is now three years TSW and doing so well. 

Topical Steroid Healing
A blog written by a mother called Jolene whose son is currently going through TSW. She set it up to provide information and raise awareness for our 'preventable' condition.

Eczemacism (whose story I have featured on my blog *here*)
Nick started withdrawal in 2015 and has since made a full recovery.

Santiago's Blog
Santiago has put together a really informative blog on his journey through TSW, with lots of links to the things which helped him.

Scratchy Monster 
Set up by a mother whose daughter went through TSW in 2012 and made a full recovery around a year later.

Stopping Topical Steroids
Tracey started her journey with TSW in 2013 and has since made a full recovery.

Withdrawal of Steroid Creams
Megs started TSW in October 2012 and made a full recovery nearly 3 years later.

Jessica Morrison
Jessica started TSW in 2016 and is close to making a full recovery.

Dave's Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Dave started TSW in 2013 and has just celebrated his 6 year anniversary and believes he is close to making a full recovery.

A Steroid Free Life
Vee started withdrawal in 2013 and as of 2016 (her last post) believes she is TSW free.

Leizel went through withdrawal in 2016 and made a full recovery after a year but still suffers from various skin issues.

It's Not Eczema
A blog set up after recovering from TSW, Senovia started going through withdrawal in 2012 and it took approx 4 years for her to make a full recovery.

Eden's Skin
Written by Eden's mother, Eden started TSW in 2013 and made a full recovery a few years later. The blog is updated occasionally and Eden still appears to be doing well with only patches of mild eczema.

Our Itchy Boy
Written by the mother of a child who went through TSW from July 2015 to approximately September 2017.

Blog for the skincare brand that features articles from members of the TSW and skin community.

Karen Wang
Karen started TSW in 2018 and has documented her journey through withdrawal on her blog.

My Poisoned Skin
Julie started TSW in 2016 but stopped updating the blog at month 15, although at the time she appeared to be doing well.

Eczema Struggles
A woman who started TSW at the end of 2012 and made a full recovery in 2014. At the time of her last post in 2014, she only had very mild eczema.

The Big Itch
A man who began his journey with TSW in 2012 and stopped blogging in 2014 around 17 months in, but at the time appeared to be doing well.

Elizabeth's Site
Elizabeth started withdrawal in 2012 and after 21 months, was still suffering badly. Unfortunately she stopped blogging at that point but I hope she is doing better now.

My Journey Through Topical Steroid Withdrawal
One woman's journey through TSW with many ups and downs along the way. Her last post was in 2017, at which point she was doing much better and learning to embrace her skin and accept any flares in the future.

Stopping Steroids
Another TSW blog. Unfortunately the author, Kary, has not blogged since 2017.

A Scratchy Little Girl in an Itchy Little World
Mel started withdrawal in November 2014 and by month 17, appeared to be doing well. She stopped blogging but now runs the website,

Getting my Smile Back
Helen started her journey with TSW during the summer of 2019 so there are only a few posts on it for now.

The TSW Diaries 
Pace started TSW in November 2016 and is currently doing better but still has a little way to go.

The Chronicles of Melly
Documenting Melly's journey with eczema. She is currently taking Dupixent and thriving.

My Topical Steroid Withdrawal Journey
Sarah has been going through withdrawal for over five years but is currently using the immunosuppressant methotrexate and is doing well.

Michaela's journey with TSW and Colitis.

Eczema Illusion
A woman who started TSW in 2012 and in her last post in 2014 was doing better but still had a little way to go.

Going Natural Mum
A blog written from February to July 2013 by a mother looking for a cure for her daughter's eczema and her journey to be steroid free.

boy vs self
A blog by K, documenting their journey through TSW from May to June 2013.

Eczema Journey
Steph started her journey with TSW in December 2012, but as of her last post in February 2016, appears to be using topical steroids again sparingly.

Eczema Excellence 
A woman who started TSW in 2013 and still appears to be dealing with skin issues and some food intolerances.

HP started TSW in 2012 and as of her last post in 2016, appeared to getting there but was still battling symptoms of TSA.

Chi started withdrawal in 2014 and as of 2017/2018, was doing much better, although still experiencing occasional flares.

I Have Eczema
As of 2017, Jenny was four years into TSW but also taking ciclosporin. At the time of her last post, she said she was doing well and hoping to use Dupixent in the future.

Hayley's Journey Through Topical Steroid Withdrawal
Hayley started TSW in 2015 and as of her last post in 2018, was doing well but still suffered from sensitive/irritated skin.

Say No To Topical Steroids
Set up by a woman called Leslie, I am a little unsure of her start date, and even though it was updated pretty regularly in 2013, there have been no posts since 2014.

Nonscents at No. 10
Jemma is a lifestyle blogger who started TSW in 2019 and blogs about her skin journey and allergies.

Itchy, Red and Miserable!
JT started TSW in 2012. He is currently using Dupixent and doing well.

Kline's Topical Steroid Hell
A child who has been battling TSW for over six years. He is getting there, but it's been a very long road to recovery.

My Journey to Healthy Skin
Megan started her journey with TSW in 2013 and after a period in 2016 of 'healed' skin, started flaring again. She hasn't posted since her last flareup in 2016.

Zombie B Gone
A woman who started withdrawal in (I think) 2014 but unfortunately in 2017, started using topical steroids again.

My Little Red Warrior
Written by a mother whose daughter went through TSW from 2013. The blog was only updated for a year, at which point she was doing better. 

Ruby Red Heals Steroid Induced Eczema
Ruby started TSW in 2013 and after two years, began using the immunosuppressant ciclosporin.

Skin of Rose
Tommy set up her blog in 2011 to document her battle with TSW and as of her last post in 2016, appeared to be doing better.

Just Dupree
Dupree documents her skin journey, having previously tried the Dr Aron method, amongst other things, and a failed attempt at TSW. She is currently making her second attempt to go through TSW which she began in early 2019.

Buffalo Alex
Alex began his journey with TSW in 2015 but only updated his blog up to month 3.

I Hate Steroids
Only two posts on this blog from 2013 set up by a mother whose child, Joe, was going through TSW.

35 Years of Hell
Siegfried started TSW at the end of 2013, but only blogged till week 3.

In My Skin
Stuart started TSW in 2017 and has been making improvements year by year. His blog documents his skin journey.

Posts on non-TSW blogs

A fabulous lifestyle blog by my namesake, Cara, who has written about her journey with TSW

A blog post written by a mother who watched her daughter go through TSW

A blog post written by the lovely Jennifer who started topical steroid withdrawal in 2016

A blog post featuring the fabulous @tsw_beezeebuzz

A blog post featuring the brilliant @tswsurvivor

A blog post featured on a fermented food website that was written by its founder who also suffered from TSA

A blog post on topical steroid withdrawal featuring Mel from Top Eczema Treatments

A blog post about TSW titled 'The TSW Debate', drawing passages from medical papers etc.

A blog post about 4-year-old Cosette's journey through TSW

For Youtube & Facebook, click (here).

For TikTok & Instagram accounts, click (here).
For Medical Journals, click (here).
For The Media, click (here).

For Things to Potentially Avoid During TSW, click (here).

For Books Books Books, click (here).


  1. This is just amazing.. thank you Cara x

  2. Hi Cara, please can you also include this two Facebook link. It is the first and only page that feature knowledge on TSW in Hong Kong. It is also founded by a TSW warrior. She is dedicated to spread to words of TSA.

    And this is her featured in local social media:

    1. Thank you for the comment and suggestion, but I'd already added the page - check under the database post, 'YouTube and Facebook' ;)
      Cara xxxx


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