The TSW Database: YouTube & Facebook

I have listed the YouTube videos and channels first followed by all the Facebook pages and groups I could find on TSW, but as always, please let me know if I have missed any and I will happily amend.

Cara x

TSW YouTube Channels

TSW Atlas
In October 2020, Dr Heba Khaled released the video 'An Overview of TSW' which in my opinion is one of the most exciting things to happen to our condition. So far, the channel only has the one video - but trust me when I say that you need to subscribe to it and watch the video immediately. I have been promised that more videos are on their way and I couldn't be more excited.
Serbian translation of the video:

Josh's Recovery
Josh's channel helped me so much through my own withdrawal. His videos take you from the first few days of withdrawal through to his eventual recovery. His positive attitude during TSW encouraged me to do the same and I am eternally grateful for his channel. Even better, he let me share his story on my blog (here).

Nina Sloan
Nina started withdrawal in 2012 and made a full recovery 8 months later. Her videos were such an inspiration to me throughout my own withdrawal and I was lucky enough to feature her story on my blog (here).

Briana Banos
Briana started withdrawal in 2015 and documented her battle with her skin through poignant but funny videos. In March 2019, she made the incredible documentary on TSW: Preventable: Protecting our Largest Organ, which is available to watch on her channel.

Laura Stageman
Laura started TSW in 2014 and shared a video when she was suffering very badly, then another one 5 months later when she thought she had healed. Since then, she has had a rocky road to recovery but is currently doing well.

Gillian Barbara
Gillian started her TSW journey in 2016 and has since made a full recovery. Since recovering, she has posted a few videos about her experience. I have also featured her story on my blog (here).

TSW Steph
Steph began her journey with TSW in 2016 and has posted videos documenting her recovery. She is currently using the immunosuppressant methotrexate and is doing well.

Steph Meredith
Another Steph who began her TSW journey on 4th September 2019 then set up her YouTube channel and posted her first video a month later, talking about her experience so far.

James started TSW in late 2013 and has shared a couple of videos about his withdrawal.

Tracy started withdrawal in 2011 and has since made a full recovery, although his channel is many years out of date.

Gary Smith
Gary started withdrawal in 2014 and has since made a full recovery. His videos document him at various stages of withdrawal.

Nina Ajdin
Nina started withdrawal in 2014 and has had a very tough journey, which she shares openly in her videos. She is currently doing much better. I have also featured her story on my blog (here).

Zip started TSW in 2015 and has since made a full recovery. He has shared a couple of videos in which he talks about his journey and I have also featured his story on my blog (here).

Brittany Hallberg
Brittany began her journey with TSW in 2017 and has since made a full recovery. She posts videos about her withdrawal and I have also shared her story on my blog (here).

Mireya P
Mireya began her TSW journey in 2016 and has since made a full recovery. In her videos, she discusses her experience.

Zainab started TSW in 2016 and shares her progress and struggles in some great videos on her channel.

Ashley Lora
Ashley's channel features videos about her journey with TSW and Dupixent.

Hayley Woolcock
Hayley began her journey in 2019 and currently has one video up discussing her withdrawal so far.

Topical Steroids vs Us
The focus of this channel is to raise awareness for the side effects of topical steroids by interviewing others going through topical steroid withdrawal and also offering insight into our condition.

Eden Brown
Eden's channel has videos on her journey with TSW, along with some lovely vlogs of living with TSA. 

Santiago Aufranc
Santiago has shared many informative videos about his TSW journey (in Spanish).

Other TSW YouTube channels

Michaela Warne




Eczema Phoenix

Eczema Conquerors

Karen Wang

Kel Preston

Top Eczema Treatments


Mel Therese


Mishal Hussain



Sagacious Living


Tara Cameron

Playlist on TSW By ReliableRoots

YouTube videos on TSW

An interview with Dr Rapaport

Another interview with Dr Rapaport

A brilliant video with Dr Lahari on the 'Use of topical steroid & the menace of topical steroid abuse'

A video by Mark Palace, husband of ITSAN founder Kelly Palace, on the dangers of topical steroids

A video by a popular YouTuber, Joana Ceddia, who shared that she has been going through TSW for six months

A brilliant video by Daisy Malin (@daisymalin_skin) via the Truly channel on what it is like living with TSW

A woman who has a fitness channel on YouTube shares that she is currently going through TSW 

Another woman with a fitness channel on YouTube shares her experience through TSW

My Spiritual Enlightenment Story & TSW Experience by Christopher Tan

My TSW Healing Journey by Leila's Eczema

‎A heartbreaking but uplifting video by Kerileanne on her experience so far a year in to TSW and the impact it can have on your life

A video of a baby who has been going through TSW for one year 

Ari Yunda

Kim C

Pixie Parker

A woman called Michaela who made a full recovery from TSA shares her top tips for going through withdrawal

Mereani started TSW in 2015 and shares her progress 20 months in

A video by BigGuy Journey who spreads awareness for TSW

A video by Ken Preston who shares his battle through TSW

A video by a woman who made a full recovery from TSA after 11 months

A video featuring children who have been through TSW with voiceovers from their mothers

A video by a woman called Hannah who shares her journey through TSW and also some exciting news

Hannah's music video for All Kinds of Broken with all proceeds from the single going to ITSAN

A woman celebrating 2 years of TSW

Facebook Pages

Preventable: Protecting our Largest Organ

Red Skin Syndrome/Topical Steroid Addiction Awareness Facebook page

Camille Knowles

The Positive Skin Project

Peace for Rhys - Eczema Free

Topical Steroid Addiction

The Eczema Company

Topical Steroid Education

Top Eczema Treatments

Dr. Koushik Lahiri, Dermatologist

No steroid cream on skin without a Dermatologist's prescription

ITSAN Topical Steroid Withdrawal RSS Support

Red Skin Syndrome/Topical Steroid Addiction Awareness

National Eczema Association

Topical Steroid Withdrawal / Red Skin Syndrome Support

MyJourney with Topical Steroid Withdrawal, Red Man Syndrome

Evie's Eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal Journey

Kline's hell of topical steroid withdrawal, red skin syndrome

Healing Happens / Topical Steroid Withdrawal / RSS Success Stories

Topical steroid withdrawal prayer and support group

NMT for TSW RSS Eczema - topical steroid withdrawal red skin syndrome

Topical Steroid Addiction HK

Steroid Red Skin Syndrome and Skin Remedies

Dr Marvin Rapaport, MD

Eczema, Red Skin Syndrome, TWS Candida, gut health Support Group

Steroid Red Skin Syndrome and Skin Remedies

Facebook Groups

- Topical Steroid Withdrawal-Red Skin Syndrome Support Group
- Eczema & Topical Steroid Withdrawal for WOMEN-Healing Through Positivity
- ITSAN Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome Support Group
- TSW London Network
- Eczema and Topical Steroid Addiction Awareness (TSA) Group
- Skin Support and Wellness Community (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne etc)
- Healing Happens / Topical Steroid Withdrawal / RSS Success Stories
- Eczema Evolution & Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal / TSA / RSS – an alternative (AR)
- New and Expecting Mothers going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- Healing Topical Steroid Withdrawal/RSS with Scientific Approach
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal/Red Skin Syndrome Support & Awareness
- Dating/Singles - Eczema/Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- Stop Topical Steroids. Start HEALING.
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal Foundation
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal Recovery - The Red-Faced Warriors Unite!
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal Babies and Kids
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal Australia Group
- IMIA-TSW Informed Moms In Action-Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- Protopic/Elidel Withdrawal Support Group
- Eczema Parents - Topical Steroid Awareness Group
- steroid induced dermal atrophy and tsw (male group)
- Singapore Topical Steroid Withdrawal / Red Skin Syndrome Support Group
- Shared Successes for Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW)
- Red Light Therapy & Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal Hawaii
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal- Red Skin Syndrom (TSW/RSS) - US & military Fam
- Blayne's Fight Against Red Skin Syndrome (topical steroid addiction )
- NAAE - Skin Education (including TSA/TSW)
- Topical Steroid Withdrawal- Partner/Caregiver Support Group
- eczema & topical steroid withdrawal-red skin syndrome support group
- Red Skin Syndrome/ Topical Steroid Withdrawal Support Group
- Topical steroids withdrawal Support Group
- Eczema, Red Skin Syndrome, TSW and other skin conditions awareness group
- Parents of Children with Chronic Eczema & Skin Issues Support Group
- My journey with Red Skin Syndrome (RSS, TSA & TSW)
- Singapore Topical Steroid Withdrawal / Red Skin Syndrome Support Group
- Psoriasis, Eczema & other Skin Problems Philippines Support Group
- eczema & topical steroid withdrawal-red skin syndrome support group
- Red Skin Syndrome/ Topical Steroid Withdrawal Support Group
- 類固醇上癮(香港) - Topical.Steroid.Addiction.HK
- IMIA-TSW Informed Moms In Action-Topical Steroid Withdrawal
- LDN for TSW - Safe Healing Therapies
- Using Oral Immunosuppressants in TSW Support Group
- Long Term TSW Warriors
- TSA Caregivers rock!
- The NMT Healed Club (No Moisturizing Treatment)
- Parents of Children with Chronic Eczema & Skin Issues Support Group
- Parents of Children suffering with eczema
- Support group for NMT - TSW
- TSW, TSA, RSS - Szteroidelvonás, Szteroidfüggőség, Vörös bőr szindróma

For Blogs & Websites, click (here).
For TikTok & Instagram accounts, click (here).
For Medical Journals, click (here).
For The Media, click (here).
For Things to Potentially Avoid During TSW (here).

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